All posts filed under: events


21 June – 13 July An exhibition curated with Alanna Thain and Marianne Cloutier, InSomnolence is the fruit of two years of research-creation activities undertaken by The Sociability of Sleep project.

Colloque : « Les arts du sommeil » (The arts of sleep)

Dans le cadre du colloque Les arts du sommeil à Paris les 12–14 octobre, je co-présente une conférence avec Albertine Thunier intitulée : Création automatique et restitution des rêves surréalistes : le sommeil (les rêveries) de Desnos (re)vu par TikTok et Dream AI. // As part of a symposium in Paris on “the arts of sleep”, I’m giving a presentation with Albertine Thunier that can be loosely translated as “Automatic creation and the restitution of surrealist dreams: Desnos’s sleep and dreams revisited by TikTok and Dream AI.” ABSTRACT In an effort to restore the work of the Surrealists into popular culture, and in particular that of Robert Desnos, we reimagine his hypnotic sleep experiments using the protocols of digital automation. We understand applications like and TikTok as sites of memetic culture, and as technologies of cultural glanage that recuperate, rework, reframe, remediate, and recirculate cultural works and logics of different periods. In this sense, we align ourselves with Nova and Kaplan (2016), who present internet memes as matrices for generating cultural innovations. This presentation will …

Paperology Symposium – May 2022

Event website A public event exploring paper in its different forms and permutations. Un évènement public voué à l’exploration du papier dans ses différentes formes et permutations. May 6 –7, 2022Canadian Centre for Architecture, MontrealFree. All welcome. Organized by Juliette De Maeyer, Aleks Kaminska and Ghislain Thibault

Sleep Salons – Winter 2022

Detailed information for all the salons and speakers on the dedicated page of the Sociability of Sleep website. Eventbrite to register You Tube channel for video recordings of the salons. Salon no. 5 : Sleep and Labour Speakers: ✦ Sarah Barnes (Cape Breton University)✦ Debra Skene (University of Surrey) The rise of the modern, industrial workday also put sleep “on the clock.” As an optimizable activity of rest and recovery, sleep has arguably become as much a part of our work lives as work itself. This salon explores sleep as an experimental (and monetizable) zone of performance enhancement and bodily entrainment, considering the seemingly extreme cases of professional athletes and hospital shift workers to reveal the tensions we all experience between the social and biological demands of work and rest. Salon no. 6 : Performing Sleep Speakers: ✦ Amara Tabor-Smith (Stanford University + Ellen Sebastian Chang (iIrector, Producer, Educator)✦ Jasmeen Patheja (Artist) Sleep is usually associated with personal environments and the literal and metaphorical withdrawal from the outside world; so the spectacle of sleeping in …

Sleep Salons – Fall 2021

Salon no. 1 : The Social Lives of Sleep How might we begin to think the sociability of sleep? Speakers: ✦ Matthew Wolf-Meyer (Anthropology, Binghamton University)✦ Carmela Alcántara (Social Work, Columbia University) Register on Eventbrite How and why should we conceive of sleep in social terms? Sleep appears to be a way that the body leaves behind the social world for an inner and highly individualized landscape. Yet much sleep research has also attended to the ways sleep reinforces the social, political, and environmental forces that govern our waking lives. Here we invite two distinguished researchers to share how their research approaches the social and collective dimensions of a seemingly singular experience. ✦ Matthew Wolf-Meyer is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Binghamton University. His book The Slumbering Masses: Sleep Medicine, and Modern American Life uses ethnographic and archival materials to explore the history of sleep and sleeplessness in 20th century American life against the backdrops of modern medicine and industrial capitalism. ✦ Carmela Alcántara is Associate Professor of Social Work and Associate Dean for Doctoral …

Bricolab YR1

First year at the Bricolab is a success! Here’s a recap of some of the things that went on in the past few months. See you (hopefully) in 2020-2021 for more workshops, talks, demos, etc. Atelier d’écriture speculative   Les micro-contrôleurs : des outils pour la recherche-création   Infrastructures feministes : discours, expérimentation, enjeux Formation : l’impression 3D Recherche-création en réalité virtuelle      

Figurations: Persons In/Out of Data

Presenting a paper next week on “Speech Portraits and the Audio/Visual Self” at a conference at Goldsmith’s. Here is the programme in PDF with full abstracts. From the CFP: We’re drowning in an ocean of data, or so the saying goes. Data’s “big”: there’s not only lots of it, but its volume has allowed for the development of new, large-scale processing techniques. Our relationship with governments, medical organisations, technology companies, the education sector, and so on are increasingly informed by the data we overtly or inadvertently provide when we use particular services. The proverbial data deluge is large-scale—but it’s also personal. Data promises to personalise services to better meet our individual needs. Data is often construed as a threat to our person(s). Not every person predicated by data is predicted the same. The intersection between data and person isn’t fixed: it has to be figured. This conference brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers to explore how the person—or persons, plural—are figured in/out of data. Figuration might encompass any or all of processes of representation, calculation, analogisation, …

AI Commons Workshop

This week, I participated in a day-long workshop at Concordia, organized by the Machines Agencies working group, to think about what an AI commons might look like. Here are is an excerpt from the original call: How can artificial intelligence be oriented toward the common good? The belief in AI for good has widespread acceptance in the industry and among governments. Declarations from around the globe—Canada, China, South Korea, France, and more—call for the development of AI to have a social purpose. But what is that purpose? … This workshop seeks to develop a commons-based vision for the future of AI as an intervention to understand transformations in citizen engagement as part of a larger research project to explore practices of citizenship in a skeptical world. The afternoon had a really interesting format: we separated into groups to write positions statements to the following pre-determined questions: What should an AI Commons be? How could the development of AI today—including the infrastructure and knowledge at its foundation—become a commons? Could AI reshape how we think about …

Actualités de l’obsolète : journée d’étude sur le(s) temps du rétro

Ma présentation : Mythes et limites de l’obsolescence Résumé : Cette présentation offrira des exemples de projets personnels et étudiants, passant par la photographie et l’impression, pour compliquer les distinctions entre le numérique et l’analogique, et entre ce qui est « vieux » et « nouveaux » médias, afin de réfléchir les médias « rétro » comme technologies du présent.

The Bricolab is open!

The Bricolab is a space for creation and making of all kinds located in the Department of Communication at the UdeM that aims to encourage a variety of research-creation approaches. It equally supports activities using digital fabrication (e.g. Arduinos), experimentation with new forms of storytelling (e.g. VR), or more traditional crafts like sewing, for example. It  renforces practices of active pedagogy, prototyping and l spéculation, critical making, and DIY projects. We had an open house is on Thursday September 26, 1pm – 5pm. Facebook (/bricolabmtl) Some of the equipment available: 2 3D printers (Ultimaker 2 & Zortrax) 3D scanning machine Vinyl cutter Sewing maching Embroidery machine Oculus Rift GoPro Fusion iMacs, Macbook, large computer screens Arduino, Raspberry Pi MakeyMakey Various electronic tools (soldering, etc.) Arts & crafts supplies Projector and TV screen

4S presentation on quality, trust, and the senses

Heading off to New Orleans next week to attend my first 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) conference. I’m excited to be on a panel on “Technicalities of Trust and Technologies of Sensing.” Here is my abstract: “Verifying Paper Money: Quality-Control and the Materialization of Trust” This paper explores sensory moments of quality-control, specifically through the case of the bank note as a trustworthy paper. Of interest are the ways that trust becomes produced, transmitted and known by security printers, so that certain bits of paper come to be objectively perceived and circulated as authentic and valuable. Trust is explored here as intimately tied to the sensory assessment of expertise and quality. Counterfeits and forgeries are often recognized as such because they are judged as technically inaccurate or imprecise. Part of this evaluation process lies in the education of the senses and learning to discern material characteristics that are legitimate, whether through sight, touch, smell or sound. Trust is thus inscribed or embedded in a paper through specialized and recognizable techniques and materials. This …

Media, making et savoirs intermédiaires

Ce novembre, je participerai aux Entretiens Jacques Cartier durant une journée de présentations sur le thème: Art-Science : La frontière est un lieu en soi ! Les infos ici et sur le site. Comment organiser une rencontre art-science qui soit féconde en même temps que mutuellement bénéfique ? Il s’agit d’éviter l’instrumentalisation : lorsque le scientifique utilise l’artiste ou inversement. Quel rapport entre pratique artistique et pratique scientifique ? Il s’agit de mettre en évidence la profonde similarité des gestes et des pensées des artistes et des scientifiques, au-delà des apparences. Quel parcours pour un étudiant qui se formerait à la frontière entre art et science ? Il s’agit de trouver la manière la plus juste d’inscrire un parcours transdisciplinaire dans un monde encore profondément disciplinaire. Notre réflexion distinguera la variété des expériences correspondant aux différentes modalités de l’art et de la science. C’est ainsi que nous accueillerons tous les duplets art-science possibles : musique-mathématiques, danse-technologie, performance-biologie, poésie et mathématiques… 8h15 – Accueil 8h30 – Mot accueil (intervenants à définir) 8h45 – T1 : Comment …

Art, web & feminisms – roundtable

Le 23 mai 2019, de 14h à 17h, aura lieu la Table ronde « Art, web et féminismes » au local N-7050, à l’UQAM. Co-organisée par le RéQEF et Julie Ravary-Pilon(Boursière postdoctorante du RéQEF 2018), cette activité sera précédée par la deuxième version des Ateliers méthodologiques du RéQEF. J’animerai la table ronde « Art, web et féminismes » sur l’histoire des activismes et des arts féministes sur le web. Cette activité réunira les professeures Joanne Lalonde (histoire de l’art, UQAM), Krista Lynes (communications, Concordia), Rosanna Maule (cinéma, Concordia) ainsi que l’artiste de performance et sculpture Algonquine Anishinaabe mixte et bispirituelle Faye Mullen pour une conférence-performance. Cette activité bilingue, ouverte et accessible se veut un lieu de partages et de réflexions sur l’histoire de l’art cyberféministe, les potentiels du web pour la création artistique des femmes, les esthétiques des contestations (dissent) LGBTQI+ en ligne et hors ligne ainsi que la création numérique féministe en écrans. Les questions du public pourront être traduites sur place si nécessaire. Conférencières : Faye Mullen Murs trans-spatiaux, cérémonie et résistances Résumé …

CCA 2019 – Paper Infrastructure: The Bowater Papers 1950–58

Paper presentation (with Rafico Ruiz) on the Bowater Papers archive, as part of the Materials and Media of Infrastructure panels: The Bowater Papers is a trade magazine that was published periodically by the Bowater Paper Corporation, based in London, running from 1950 to 1958. As the magazine’s inaugural editorial, “Thoughts on Paper,” begins: “Paper is the raw material of human communication; it binds together continents; history would be lost without it; [sic] for it is the link between the past and the future. But paper, the commodity, is not only for the chronicler.” This “large paper-manufacturing organization,” in the mid-1950s the largest producer of newsprint in the world, launched the magazine with a view to both creating and cataloguing its enterprise as a consolidating infrastructural network of paper producers and consumers. The series of four issues were intended to embody and materially contain the entire array of papers, paper products, and paper derivatives that the Bowater Paper Corporation’s global manufacturing system produced and promoted. Each issue is an “exposition of paper in use,” with inserts …

CCA 2019 – Materials and Media of Infrastructure

Rafico Ruiz and I are co-chairing a double-panel at the Canadian Communication Association this year called Materials and Media of Infrastructure: Infrastructures are increasingly at the forefront of critical communication studies. Rather than remaining in the operational background that subtends our contemporary digital landscape, these infrastructures establish “the rules governing the space of everyday life” (Easterling 2014), emerging as integral “chokepoints” (see Limn issue 10, 2018) that reveal the varied materials that both make up and travel across them. Whether oil pipelines or the infrastructures of the newsprint industry, examining the materials, materialities, and media of infrastructural arrangements allows for a better understanding of the social, political and cultural configurations that they make possible. Functioning in this way as logistical media (eg. Durham Peters), these visible and invisible infrastructures ultimately shape the movements and mediations of data and information. This double panel seeks to explore the relationships between materials and logistical politics by examining the ways in which infrastructures enact particular forms of mediation that are enabled and constrained by their varied material properties and …